Horse riding in Izubr
Is riding a horse your lifetime dream? We are there to help you make that dream come true. We suggest a horse ride – one of the most exciting types of outdoor recreation. Even if you are a novice horse rider, our employees will help you find common ground with a horse and come to terms with the saddle free and easy. By the way, you can take a ride under our instructors’ supervision.
Russian Heavy Draft geldings.
An Alkha Teke stallion named Medomboy
Horse riding around the Izubr hunting reserve is a true adventure, which leaves a memory. It takes you out of the metropolitan noise and into an absolutely different environment, where you can hear the knocking of hooves and neighing instead of the honking of horns. You are welcome to join a community of beginner equestrians dying to learn the tricks of horse riding!
A Kabarda gelding
A Kabarda stallion named Karo
Horse riding will give you a sturdy body shape, physical fitness, and spiritual balance. You can make it your family hobby, and a contact with animals will give you tons of sweet and positive emotions.
Hunting waterfowl in spring will be prohibited in Russia. The ban will come into force in 2015.
We are happy to inform you that our hunting reserve is launching a new website.
In 2015, illegal moose hunting in the Tver Province reached ₽2,000,000
Спрятавшись в камышах или прикрывшись нарезанными ветками, охотник должен быть предельно внимательным.
In our hunting reserve hunters practice several methods of hunting hares. Some people prefer to hunt individually, others appreciate teamwork.
Bear hunting is one of the riskiest sorts of hunting, and not every hunter has the guts to face this “lord of taiga”. It is possible to hunt bear in different regions of the country, but bear hunting in the Tver Province is a kind of adventure, which no extreme lover can miss.